
Catch Up on What You Might Have Missed

We’ve created an archive of our previous shows so that you won’t miss a single second of helpful financial information from Gene Dickison and his guests.

Check Out Our Latest Episodes Here:

September 30, 2023 – Will the Government Shut Down and Give Us All a Break? – Is Digital Currency really on its way or just a sales gimmick for hucksters? – Why are we hearing ads on radio and tv for gold every five minutes?

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: He wants to use his grandson’s 529 account to buy a car.  What will the taxes/penalties be? Her home also contains a…... Listen Now

September 23, 2023 – Our Total for 2023 Folds of Honor Radio-thon . . . $114,401!  A New Record – Thank you so much to our audience, our sponsors, and our MtM Team! – Megan figures it all out!!!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: They responded to the IRS and they haven’t heard a word in weeks.  Should they be worried? What are the costs involved…... Listen Now

September 9, 2023 – Remembering 9/11 with a pledge to Folds of Honor – www.MoreThanMoneyOnline.com – We interview two Folds of Honor recipient families – helped thanks to you – Jenn Stephens and Jacob Green

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: How best to donate using a Charitable Trust or Donor Advised Fund? Can he move money from his IRA to his grandchildren’s…... Listen Now

September 2, 2023 – Remembering 9/11 with a pledge to Folds of Honor – www.MoreThanMoneyOnline.com – Jobs Report Solid and Stock Markets Enjoy Solid Week – Sent us your charity golf tournament invites!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: He and his family invested in an actual oil well.  What are the prospects? She has an old 401(k) and a new…... Listen Now

August 26, 2023 – Remembering 9/11 with a pledge to Folds of Honor – www.MoreThanMoneyOnline.com – Not such great advice for picking a financial advisor – Sent us your charity golf tournament invites!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: His wife signed up for Medicare and it messed up her HSA.  Can that be fixed? Everyone tells her she should convert…... Listen Now

August 19, 2023 – Remembering 9/11 by Helping Folds of Honor – If someone tells you to change your annuity – call us first for a second opinion! – Andrew Young starts at West Chester University – Sent us your charity golf tournament invites!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: He wants to know if ‘digital currency’ is a done deal? Should he borrow against his stock portfolio with a margin loan?…... Listen Now

August 12, 2023 – Nazareth Wrestling and Girls’ Basketball Golf Tournaments! – Prayers for the people of Hawaii – Scam!  Email is not from the IRS!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: She got a letter from TIAA-CREF that her information was hacked.  What should she do? Should he name his daughter his power…... Listen Now

August 5, 2023 – United States Credit Rating Downgraded! – Does the government want you to turn in your cash for digital currency? – 187,000 new jobs added to U.S. economy in July

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: Are ‘brokered CDs’ a good idea? How do the inherited IRA rules work with a Roth IRA? Is using a ‘hybrid’ life…... Listen Now

July 29, 2023 – $1 Billion Lottery – What would you do if you won? – Invitations to free financial dinners – what red flags should you look for? – When will the Federal Reserve cut interest rates?

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: Should dad pay the interest on daughter’s student loans from his 529 plan? His high-paying job is killing him.  Can she afford…... Listen Now