
Catch Up on What You Might Have Missed

We’ve created an archive of our previous shows so that you won’t miss a single second of helpful financial information from Gene Dickison and his guests.

Check Out Our Latest Episodes Here:

July 22, 2023 – Animals in Distress Radiothon Raises $218,000! A New Record! – Stock markets continue upward trend – Alyssa circles back to last week’s Social Security and Medicare questions

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: His 401(k) has been ‘kicked around’ to 4 different investment groups.  He wants out! What RMD must they take from her inherited…... Listen Now

July 15, 2023 – Gene and Diane’s daughter, Alyssa, earns her PhD! – Alyssa’s son, Andrew, celebrates his high school graduation and heads to West Chester University – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: He wants to transition to part-time at age 65, but his wife wants him to keep working full-time.  What to do? They…... Listen Now

July 8, 2023 – Radio Audience Supports Colleges Funding Student Loan Forgiveness! – How does she report the bad acts of her advisor? – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: He has an account in his own name.  Should he name his wife a joint owner or beneficiary? Why does his financial…... Listen Now

July 1, 2023 – More Than Money’s Event Raises over $15,000 for Leukemia Lymphoma Society! – Thank you all for your attendance, your support, and most of all your generosity! – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: Gene gets really snarky with people expecting taxpayers to pay off their student loans.  He has a better idea! How does he…... Listen Now

June 3, 2023 – Debt Ceiling Agreement Reached and Jobs Report Much Better than Expected – Join Us June 29th at Blue Ridge Winery for a Very Special MtM Event and Wine for LLS! – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: His advisor says only preferred stocks pay dividends  Is that true? Comparing ‘robo-advisors’ to call-center advisors? She asks if she can use…... Listen Now

May 27, 2023 – Memorial Day – Remember Those Who Gave Everything for Our Freedom – Join Us June 29th at Blue Ridge Winery for a Very Special MtM Event and Wine for LLS! – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: How does a young couple get financially ready to start their family? Should she cash out her IRA, pay the taxes, so…... Listen Now

May 20, 2023 – Andrew Young Elected King of the Prom! – Join Us June 29th at Blue Ridge Winery for a Very Special MtM Event and Wine for LLS! – Invite our MtM golfers to your fund raising golf tournament!

Gene and Alyssa answer tons of listener questions: Is it possible his tax preparer got it wrong? When he moves south should he rent his house or sell it? Should…... Listen Now